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Saturday, September 27, 2014


So it is true,the writer of the movie "The Beach" got his inspiration from the beauty of Palawan. The Secret Beach of El Nido to be exact. Fortunately, unfortunately the movie was shot in Thailand though, I have no idea why. Would you know?

Anyway I've long been wanting to see the beauty of El Nido, but was very hesitant because of the hassle of transportation and travel time. If you're an average traveler like me who couldn't afford the flight that lands direct to El Nido, you would have to travel by land from Puerto Prinsesa to El nido for 6 hours. That doesn't get me excited. 

But I just have to go right? Foreigners are going crazy about it! You read it in every travel blog. It's been featured in CNN and other international travel magazines. I just have to see it! So see is what I did. 

I traveled during the month of August, which Google will tell you, is the wettest month in the Philippines. I was lucky that the sun decided to show himself during my first 2 days. It drizzled yes, but it was mostly sunny for the first two days. 

I didn't know that the town I was going to is such a small one. Really! Maybe I set my expectations too high. The vacation houses are very simple, the streets look like the residential area where I live. It's a town where everybody knows everybody. If you've been to Saigon, the El Nido town proper is more like it, with a bonus of the sea.  The shoreline is not good for swimming though. That's where the boats are docked. To make is simple, it was quite disappointing. 

But one doesn't go to El Nido to just roam around the town. You have to go island hopping. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR YOU NOT TO DO THAT. There are 4 (or is it 5) different Island Tours you can choose from. The more famous would be Tour A and C. I booked my tour with Northern Islands Tour. If you were not able to book in advanced, you can just go directly to their small "office deck" in front of the St. Francis Catholic Church. 

I'm not going to write in detail the different islands each tour will go to. There's a lot of that floating around in Google. One thing I can assure you though, you will love it. If you're a Filipino, you will be proud of our country. You will smug around with the non-Pinoys on the boat, smile and boast that this is your country. And if you're not Filipino, it will make want to become one. No, maybe not. But it will make you want to come back. Or it will make you dream of retiring in this country in the future. 

So yes, it maybe a hassle to travel to El Nido. The town proper could be a bit disappointing. The weather may not cooperate at times, you can make a lot of excuses if you want, but at the end of the day, think of what you will miss if you don't visit this paradise on earth.  

Check out this video I did when I was there

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